Are airships a real alternative to land vehicles? IN LAYMAN'S TERMS with Alexander Mynko
Find out who is building airships in Russia and how it is being done.
What makes airships a competitor to trains and cars? When will airships start flying from one city to another? Where will airship facilities be located?
Everything about the past, present and future of airships in the podcast about airships IN LAYMAN'S TERMS with Alexander Mynko.
❗The episode was prepared with the support of Dmitriy Khmel, an expert in airship construction in Russia, Chief Scientific Officer at AERONOVA.
Today we will find out:
📍 why the speed of an airship is higher than that of a car
📍 how much an airship ticket will cost
📍 if there will be office parties on airships
📍 when extensive infrastructure for their operation will be established
🧭 And at the end of the episode, Alexander will share how a real airship overtook a car on its way to the Air Show in Zhukovsky👀